What Does Our Name Mean?
In Luke 8, Jesus tells a fascinating story about a Farmer and his seeds. The Farmer liberally scatters seed, and they fall in various places. Incredibly, the seed that falls in what Jesus calls "good soil" produces an unbelievable crop - 100 times what was sown! (Imagine - each tiny seed producing 100 harvest-worthy specimens!)
Jesus explains that this "hundredfold" crop is what happens when the Farmer (God) sows his seed (the Word of God) into willing human hearts (the good soil).
At Hundredfold, we are so confident in the power of God's Word, that we, like the parable's Farmer, want to scatter the life-changing, empowering seed of God's Word far and wide! We're so passionate about how God's Word transforms hearts and lives that we make Bible studies free for you to download. Our prayer is that through studying God's Word you will experience God's purpose, peace and provision that will produce a huge harvest in your life.


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